Tuesday, April 24, 2012

big city farmer

That's me, big city farmer wannabe!.....Greg helped me fashion this awesome raised bed on the cheap!   (well honestly he made them, Em and I just supervised) We lined the bottom with weed blocking fabric because we had some on hand, I wouldn't have gone out an bought any I think I would have used newspaper, matter of fact when we get grass in the front yard and re-mulch I think I'll put newspaper underneath for weed blocking? Anyway......we had a bucket of dirt from where Greg had to dig up our old deck, threw that in the bed and that's how it rested for almost 3 weeks!!!!

of course Em had a great time playing with the clumps of dirt

funny side note: when we go out Em sits in the bed and says farming? and then E, I, E, I, O :) he's learning so much so fast it's incredible!

I know! The hardware store up the street missed a delivery and had no topsoil and then we had a crisis of sorts at work....long story short we got our dirt and free time delivered and now..........

I mixed this composted cow manure with top soil for nutrients we'll see how it goes? (don't worry it didn't smell like manure :) 
Dirty drawers
Dirty mouth?......clean it up! there is no point telling a 20 months old not to put dirt in his mouth, if you tell him "no" he's just going to do it even more! :)
can I just tell you? I love this little boy! I also love instagram, it's so forgiving!

as of April 15

We planted 2 tomato plants, 1 pepper plant, 1 basil plant and 10 strawberry plants (the berries won't fruit until next year, we'll be patiently waiting!)
We directly sowed cucumber, cilantro, parsley, pole bean seeds and some flowers for cutting :)

I know it doesn't look like much now, but you've got to start somewhere? We'll keep you posted on our veggie progress

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