Wednesday, April 4, 2012

a beautiful day for yardwork and golf

Emerson and I got to enjoy the nice weather yesterday with a trip to Lowe's, the park, a nap, lunch and some yardwork and a little golf :)

We have a small strip of dirt that runs between our driveway and house, it doesn't get much sunlight and only had a few things living in it, WEEDS and one azalea.
We left the azalea, tore out the weeds and planted some ground cover, hopefully it will do really well and fill in nicely by next year :)
the bright green is moneywort and the dark green is mondo grass

Emerson helping me plant this awesome swirly grass, that had been catching my eye, everytime I entered Lowe's so this time we got it, I figured now we had a spot for it now beacuse one of my daylilies didn't come back this year?

picture looking up under our huge maple tree out front :)

tee it up!
On a side note: Greg played in a ProAm golf tournament about a week ago, where he was tied for 1st place, he had his playoff match last night and WON!!!! GO GREG!!!

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