Monday, April 23, 2012

Make it Monday

It's Make it Monday again......I'm playing along with Ashley over at The Pollock Potluck. She's challenged us to make or do one thing we pinned on Pinterest and share. 

I was searching for something to do with the gobs of strawberries we had at our house that seemed to be multiplying as we ate them!
so here's what I came up with?
                                                               Source: via Adrienne on Pinterest

Ingredients: applesauce, gelatin, water, any kind of berry, any kind of fruit juice

all you do is cook down your berries in the water until they are soft, blend them, put them back on the burner and add applesauce. bring that to a boil and stir with juice and gelatin. easy peasy! i'm totally missing pictures of the last 2 or 3 steps but that's because i'm totally ADD in the kitchen anyway, then when you add a toddler in the mix, you take what you can get! ya know what I mean ;)

Then you just throw it in a glass or ceramic dish and refrigerate for atleast 3 hours. These haven't been tasted yet, because I'm at work/school today, but I'll let you know tomorrow :)

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