Monday, April 2, 2012

Remember when....?

I can't exactly remember how old Em was, if I had to guess about 15 months. Two funny, cute, heart melting things happened within about a week or two of each other and I'm scared I will forget so I'm blogging them :)

First one: A little background, this was around the time we where learning lots of animal noises and working on please and thank yous'.  

Greg was eating some kind of snack while we were just hanging out and Emerson wanted some.......He was doing this mumbling, grunting thing, meaning that he wanted some too, and I was telling him to "use your words" and Greg asking him "what do you say?".........Em's response....."heehaw"


Second one: Our little guy is a kisser! He likes to give kisses most of the time anyway. This will probably not be cute when he is getting in trouble for kissing other's in school in a few years, but we'll cross that bridge when we get there?

 On my days off, I usually wait until Em wakes me up and I go hop in the shower while he is coming one morning when I peeked through the crack in his door just to catch a glimpse of my little cutie, guess what he's doing??? Yep laying a big ole' good mornin' smooch on his bear, bear! With a "mmmmuuuuaaaahhhhhh" and all. 

I wish I had a picture to share with you, but right now it's stuck in this brain of mine, and I hope that's where it stays!!!!

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