Tuesday, April 10, 2012

ahhhh....yard dreaming

I don't think my mind turns off very often, I wish it did! I might not keep adding stuff to a list when I can't even get things done I've already started!

Anywhooo......Greg had to take down part of our deck last fall because the back of our house is falling off! Not really, but kind of? That's how it goes with old homes. She's working on 100 years! Needed to pour some concrete in the basement and outside of it to stabilize everything and then get the bricks replaced and filled in.

So here's what we are working with

Nice, hunh?

So here's a running list of some of the things we would like to accomplish:

replace the deck 
get a garden going (working on that now, hopefully I can show you sometime this week!)
play area for Em
real grass in the front yard ( right now all we are growing in from and back is weeds!)
remove aluminum siding and paint wood siding underneath (that'll be a whopper)

And here's a little inspiration

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