Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Park it!

The past few weeks have been soo nice here! Blue skies and warm enough weather to get out and enjoy it. Emerson and have "parked it" all over town. Everytime Em notices a playground he says, "pway" how can we not?

The first, is a trip to Mount Trashmore (yes that's right! a mountain of trash.) We stopped after going to watch my Dad finish the Shamrock 1/2 Marathon! GO PAPA!!!!! Anyway, they have a great park with, rubber floors underneath the whole thing, a little cushion is always nice :) A huge trail around a lake and lots of people flying kites and practicing hang gliding which is fun from a safe distance :)

The second and third are at Oak Grove, also lovely and a little closer to home! Tiny little playground, but lots of sticks! Emerson is really into sticks right now, he just carries them around until he finds a better one and then swaps. Oh, and just incase you are wondering, stick rules are as follows: No running with sticks, and no sticks  around other kids, we surely don't want to be blamed for any bodily stick injuries. Oak Grove is best because of the water! It's so pretty and Emerson likes to pretend like he's fishing. One day, I'm going to take him with a rod and reel and not just a stick :)

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