Monday, April 30, 2012

I'll miss you Wednesday but I'll be back!

Wednesday's have been kind of a chill out day around our house for the past few months, I have class on Wednesday night, so normally we don't do alot of running errands or anything like that just relax, it's so nice just Em and Mommy, but for the next month I'll be covering some extra hours at work and training someone so hopefully this is very temporary!  

Emerson is really into building towers, cleaning and tools right now
Brushing hair with a broom?

The above 3 are all from ELMO zone! He loves ELMO and I know TV shows aren't supposed to be great for young developing minds but it's pretty entertaining and sometimes Mommy has to do a little laundry or use the potty in peace :)

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

weekend instagrams april 2012

one of my favorite hands to hold
throwing sticks off of the bridge at lakeside park
playing in a basket

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

big city farmer

That's me, big city farmer wannabe!.....Greg helped me fashion this awesome raised bed on the cheap!   (well honestly he made them, Em and I just supervised) We lined the bottom with weed blocking fabric because we had some on hand, I wouldn't have gone out an bought any I think I would have used newspaper, matter of fact when we get grass in the front yard and re-mulch I think I'll put newspaper underneath for weed blocking? Anyway......we had a bucket of dirt from where Greg had to dig up our old deck, threw that in the bed and that's how it rested for almost 3 weeks!!!!

of course Em had a great time playing with the clumps of dirt

funny side note: when we go out Em sits in the bed and says farming? and then E, I, E, I, O :) he's learning so much so fast it's incredible!

I know! The hardware store up the street missed a delivery and had no topsoil and then we had a crisis of sorts at work....long story short we got our dirt and free time delivered and now..........

I mixed this composted cow manure with top soil for nutrients we'll see how it goes? (don't worry it didn't smell like manure :) 
Dirty drawers
Dirty mouth?......clean it up! there is no point telling a 20 months old not to put dirt in his mouth, if you tell him "no" he's just going to do it even more! :)
can I just tell you? I love this little boy! I also love instagram, it's so forgiving!

as of April 15

We planted 2 tomato plants, 1 pepper plant, 1 basil plant and 10 strawberry plants (the berries won't fruit until next year, we'll be patiently waiting!)
We directly sowed cucumber, cilantro, parsley, pole bean seeds and some flowers for cutting :)

I know it doesn't look like much now, but you've got to start somewhere? We'll keep you posted on our veggie progress

Monday, April 23, 2012

Make it Monday

It's Make it Monday again......I'm playing along with Ashley over at The Pollock Potluck. She's challenged us to make or do one thing we pinned on Pinterest and share. 

I was searching for something to do with the gobs of strawberries we had at our house that seemed to be multiplying as we ate them!
so here's what I came up with?
                                                               Source: via Adrienne on Pinterest

Ingredients: applesauce, gelatin, water, any kind of berry, any kind of fruit juice

all you do is cook down your berries in the water until they are soft, blend them, put them back on the burner and add applesauce. bring that to a boil and stir with juice and gelatin. easy peasy! i'm totally missing pictures of the last 2 or 3 steps but that's because i'm totally ADD in the kitchen anyway, then when you add a toddler in the mix, you take what you can get! ya know what I mean ;)

Then you just throw it in a glass or ceramic dish and refrigerate for atleast 3 hours. These haven't been tasted yet, because I'm at work/school today, but I'll let you know tomorrow :)

Thursday, April 19, 2012

strawberries are in!

Yesterday wasn't quite the warmest day to go pick strawberries, but it worked?
We figure we'd better get to pickin' before they were all gone.

look how pretty they are

Emerson did a little pickin'

a little chattin'

a little more pickin'

some snackin'

a little bit of swingin' (the berries)

a little more snackin'

checkin' out maymay's bucket 

a little bit of cheesin'

My Mom has plans to make strawberry salsa, Gammie is going to make strawberry bread and I have no idea what we are going to make yet?

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Midweek Confessions

My friend Ashley links up with E, Myself and I for a Midweek Confession

This week I decided to join in because I have a good one

SO......I have been eyeing these sandals online for Emerson and really wanted to try them on before ordering, for sizing purposes, ya know?

Well.....guess what they had in the store in Emerson's size.....the cutest little pink patten leather sandals I've ever seen!! Go figure?

Needless to say those are the ones we tried on and I'm glad we did because I would have ordered him at least 1 size too big.....Nordstrom was nice enough to let me order them in-store and ship them to my house free of charge :)


Oh no she didn't!!

So I'm confessing I put my sweet little boy in pink sandals :)

Hope you like your new sandals Em!

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Cheese, please!

or rather "cheese, pease, pease, pease, can you say no?

Monday, April 16, 2012

Bear, bear

my little em, all snuggled up with bear, bear after a fun day in williamsburg

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Zoo Instagrams


snack time waiting for the train

riding the train, so fun

Emerson and I are going to be spending alot of time at the zoo this year! 

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Baby Gap casting call

Come one! come all! Vote for Emerson in Gap's casting call!!!!! Just follow the link you can Pin him, Like him or Tweet him.......and come back if he's a finalist, that voting begins May 21st!!

I know this is totally lame, but he IS cute ;) You never know, college tuition?

ahhhh....yard dreaming

I don't think my mind turns off very often, I wish it did! I might not keep adding stuff to a list when I can't even get things done I've already started!

Anywhooo......Greg had to take down part of our deck last fall because the back of our house is falling off! Not really, but kind of? That's how it goes with old homes. She's working on 100 years! Needed to pour some concrete in the basement and outside of it to stabilize everything and then get the bricks replaced and filled in.

So here's what we are working with

Nice, hunh?

So here's a running list of some of the things we would like to accomplish:

replace the deck 
get a garden going (working on that now, hopefully I can show you sometime this week!)
play area for Em
real grass in the front yard ( right now all we are growing in from and back is weeds!)
remove aluminum siding and paint wood siding underneath (that'll be a whopper)

And here's a little inspiration

Monday, April 9, 2012

Easter Sunday

This was kind of a low key holiday for's a peek
on the hunt....

found one!!

checking out what's inside

walking with Nina to look and the geese and throw sticks in the lake

this kid LOVES sticks!

I see you!

aaaahhhhhhh! look a his cut little skinned up knuckles :)

Mommy, Em and Daddy
Thanks Nina for having us over for an Italian Easter :)