Tuesday, August 28, 2012

summer bucket list-update

Here's a peek at the Bell's summer bucket list......

1. have a picnic at Mount Trashmore
2. take Emerson to Doumar's
3. go to a Tide's game
4. go for a bike ride @ Seashore State Park
5. spend 1 night somewhere other than our home
6. date night for Momma and Daddy
7. find a petting zoo
8. watch the sunset at the beach
9. ride the TIDE
10. pay for stranger at a drive-thru
11. have an awesome 2nd Birthday Party for my main man
12. go camping in the backyard

Sunset at Lynnhaven Pier 

Proof of a super awesome 2nd birthday party!!!!

Ice cream for lunch....I'm gonna count it :)

We have a little catching up to do....but I'm hoping to knock 2 things off of the list tomorrow :)

Just a few pics I love from the past week....my little farfalla

Em and his Mommy
or Mommy and her baby

Piggies in the sand :)

Monday, August 27, 2012

"eat muffin like Malcolm"

Em and I went to Starbucks one morning a few weeks ago.....and he apparently associates muffins to his buddy malcolm......because every time he sees one
"I eat muffin like Malcolm"

so funny!!

Sunday, August 26, 2012

Em's 2nd Birthday!!

We'll things have been a little....what's the word I'm looking for....out of whack??
But that doesn't stop birthdays from happening :) Thank goodness!!!
My little boy is 2!!! Where has the time gone???
He's growing up to be such an amazing little guy....he's sweet and caring and funny and silly and he knows what he wants!!

Em's checking on Baby Bobby....that's our new fish :)

tools were the gift of choice this year....he loves all of them :)

Em's party was pirate themed...here's a little pirate island cake

1st birthdays are fun, but 2nd birthdays are even better! Emerson knew what was going on this time and he had a blast!! Here he is blowing out the candle...he actually did it!

Hey Em! How old are you??


Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Guest Bedroom-bits and pieces

I've had this print for a few years, it's a picture that Greg took 10+ years ago that I had blown up and intended to hang in the office at my first home, but then we got hitched and moved and.......

.....well I kept it because I like it and thought I would use it one day

 One day was this day (a week or two ago)
I planned to trace the canvases and then cut the pieces out and modge podge them to the canvases.....

Emerson HAS to do everything we are doing and since he's past putting everything in his mouth, we stripped (well he stripped) and got to it...

He's a good helper although the multitasking that was going on may have caused the resulting bubbles and also could have been the give in that canvases themselves....? Oh well! They are stuck now and from a distance don't look too bad :) 

I just realized that some on the bottom row are upside down!! Haha
We had company over the weekend and they may have gotten knocked down, but you get the idea, I HOPE!!!

Friday, July 6, 2012

Summer Bucket List

My friend Ashley over at the Pollock Potluck has put together a great summer bucket list......

Here's a peek at the Bell's summer bucket list......

1. have a picnic at Mount Trashmore
2. take Emerson to Doumar's
3. go to a Tide's game
4. go for a bike ride @ Seashore State Park
5. spend 1 night somewhere other than our home
6. date night for Momma and Daddy
7. find a petting zoo
8. watch the sunset at the beach
9. ride the TIDE
10. pay for stranger at a drive-thru
11. have an awesome 2nd Birthday Party for my main man
12. go camping in the backyard

I cut it a little short since I should have made this list 6 weeks ago, but I think we can get this list of a dozen things marked off by end of summer........

Thursday, July 5, 2012

Zoo meeting Bernadette

This is Bernadette, the Norfolk zoo's new female Red Panda. Oscar is the male Red Panda. (not pictured) One of the zoo staff members said Bernadette it's really impressed with Oscar too much. haha Baby Red Pandas....not anytime soon?
Em going to check out the tigers
Walking along holding the rope
What's a cow say? Moooo

The zoo pass my parents got us for Christmas has been a great source of outdoor fun, I think we've been at least a dozen times so far. Emerson loves it he talks about animals (right now he's all about a peacock and llama) all the time and especially farm animals and animals eating! That's very important to him :)

Side-note: The other night Emerson and I were reading a book before bed, it's about animals in the jungle getting ready for bed, of course like any other toddler when you turn the page they immediately announce the animal.....so we got to the page with the porcupines and Em shouts "oh, pinecones!" I could help but laugh, it was really cute :)

Friday, June 29, 2012

Uncle Josh!

Happy birthday! My little brother is 26 today.....Can that be right?! We need to come visit soon!! We miss u!!!

Friday, June 22, 2012

reclaimed table top

Remember that lumbar we got from the frightening place in Downtown Portsmouth? Well my Dad and I got to working on it this weekend :) Here's what we have so far....

Em is supervising here, just seeing what we've got to work with :)
Daddy working away
My Mom was so kind to watch Emerson so I could attempt to help my Dad

Here we are all lined up and biscuited, that's not a real word, I totally made it up :) But you know what I mean...right?


This is my lame attempt at proving to myself that I have outfits to create in my closet! Let's get creative!
Em and I did some coloring on the sidewalk out front :) Fun, Fun
I love these little feet
These are contemplating feet :) 
In other updates......

1. Emerson is no longer a baby :( bye, bye binky...binky bye, bye. And he really is a big boy because I was ready for a serious battle....and none?! He's so good.
That's a Sesame Street reference by the way, why are their little tunes so catchy? Sometimes I can't get them out of my head!

2. My Pawpaw is at home and recovering from surgery :)

3. My Dad and I are making some serious progress on this table....pics soon!

4. I went to my first 31 party this week! So fun :) I trying to be organized and bags so what a combination!

5. I have almost finished school I have one more 8 week class, but it's only one night a week after next week............so I think I can, I think I can!

Happy Friday y'all!!!

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Father's Day 2012

Father's day was great! The weather started out kind of hairy, but ended up being beautiful!
We planned on the beach, detoured to WRV, Hotline, and lunch before settling for Seashore State Park. The calm water was perfect for the boys :)

"Gaggy" and Em

Splashing with my "shobel"
Playing with my buddy Malcolm

Monday, June 18, 2012

VIP night!

What a great time for the zoo....sun setting, temps dropping

This highlight of Em's trip this week was, this up close and personal encounter with a peacock and we found a llama! That's the first time we spotted the llama, Emerson was in love, so we stopped in the gift shop and snagged a small llama for my main man. We might make it a little tradition if I can figure out a good spot for them at home?
We rounded our trip out with a  hot dog and popcorn picnic ($2 dollars total!!) watching the train ride bye :) Thanks for the date nite Em!
Love, Mamas