Tuesday, August 28, 2012

summer bucket list-update

Here's a peek at the Bell's summer bucket list......

1. have a picnic at Mount Trashmore
2. take Emerson to Doumar's
3. go to a Tide's game
4. go for a bike ride @ Seashore State Park
5. spend 1 night somewhere other than our home
6. date night for Momma and Daddy
7. find a petting zoo
8. watch the sunset at the beach
9. ride the TIDE
10. pay for stranger at a drive-thru
11. have an awesome 2nd Birthday Party for my main man
12. go camping in the backyard

Sunset at Lynnhaven Pier 

Proof of a super awesome 2nd birthday party!!!!

Ice cream for lunch....I'm gonna count it :)

We have a little catching up to do....but I'm hoping to knock 2 things off of the list tomorrow :)

Just a few pics I love from the past week....my little farfalla

Em and his Mommy
or Mommy and her baby

Piggies in the sand :)

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