Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Guest Bedroom-bits and pieces

I've had this print for a few years, it's a picture that Greg took 10+ years ago that I had blown up and intended to hang in the office at my first home, but then we got hitched and moved and.......

.....well I kept it because I like it and thought I would use it one day

 One day was this day (a week or two ago)
I planned to trace the canvases and then cut the pieces out and modge podge them to the canvases.....

Emerson HAS to do everything we are doing and since he's past putting everything in his mouth, we stripped (well he stripped) and got to it...

He's a good helper although the multitasking that was going on may have caused the resulting bubbles and also could have been the give in that canvases themselves....? Oh well! They are stuck now and from a distance don't look too bad :) 

I just realized that some on the bottom row are upside down!! Haha
We had company over the weekend and they may have gotten knocked down, but you get the idea, I HOPE!!!

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