Friday, June 22, 2012


This is my lame attempt at proving to myself that I have outfits to create in my closet! Let's get creative!
Em and I did some coloring on the sidewalk out front :) Fun, Fun
I love these little feet
These are contemplating feet :) 
In other updates......

1. Emerson is no longer a baby :( bye, bye binky...binky bye, bye. And he really is a big boy because I was ready for a serious battle....and none?! He's so good.
That's a Sesame Street reference by the way, why are their little tunes so catchy? Sometimes I can't get them out of my head!

2. My Pawpaw is at home and recovering from surgery :)

3. My Dad and I are making some serious progress on this soon!

4. I went to my first 31 party this week! So fun :) I trying to be organized and bags so what a combination!

5. I have almost finished school I have one more 8 week class, but it's only one night a week after next I think I can, I think I can!

Happy Friday y'all!!!

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