Tuesday, June 12, 2012


So Greg had a wild idea to go and get tattoos! Sounded good to me, I've been wanting to get a letter "e" stamp for a while and had already talked to someone back home about it, I guess I was just waiting for the time to actually get there? Anyway, we seized the day ;) It turned out to be a family affair, brothers, sisters, husbands, wives, grandparents, children. We had a really good time, and everyone at the shop was really nice. Thanks Steve-o you did a great job! What a way to mark a graduation?

Av and Em patiently waiting for our tattoo adventure to be over
Daddy and Mommy, what a team!
"carpe diem"
This is my Emerson tattoo, hand stamped and under my wing :)

Tori also got one, but I don't have a picture at the moment, but she's "Fearless"

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