Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Skippy Peanut Butter

Saturday morning myself, Greg, Em, my Mom and Dad, and Aunt Laurie headed to downtown P-town for a little adventure..........

Consider yourself warned
Are you wondering what any of this has to do with Skippy?
Well....nothing really?! HAHA This picture explains the reason why we ended up in this frightening old Skippy peanut butter plant......reclaimed lumbar!!!!!! I got this guy's number from a nick nack store after spending about 6 months looking for reclaimed lumbar on Craigslist, the side of the road, dumpsters.....you name it.......I looked! I don't know why this was more terrifying than a dumpster....it just felt like something out of a horror movie!!! 
I could only get pictures when we were near a light and I didn't even make it....upstairs. Well......because of some stomach issues but that's besides the point :) 
We got our wood and got out! Then we had a little break so Em could pick up some rocks in the parking lot,  always a good time :)
Greg is CLEARLY thrilled to have spent 30 minutes of his life looking through an junky, abandoned peanut butter factory for some dirty old wood ;) Thank you, I really appreciate it!
Hopefully, he'll be more excited once we have beautiful, original sofa table ;)
My Dad on the other hand, had a GREAT time, so if I ever need to go back, I'll think I'll bring Dad along and leave Emerson with Greg :)

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