Friday, June 29, 2012

Uncle Josh!

Happy birthday! My little brother is 26 today.....Can that be right?! We need to come visit soon!! We miss u!!!

Friday, June 22, 2012

reclaimed table top

Remember that lumbar we got from the frightening place in Downtown Portsmouth? Well my Dad and I got to working on it this weekend :) Here's what we have so far....

Em is supervising here, just seeing what we've got to work with :)
Daddy working away
My Mom was so kind to watch Emerson so I could attempt to help my Dad

Here we are all lined up and biscuited, that's not a real word, I totally made it up :) But you know what I mean...right?


This is my lame attempt at proving to myself that I have outfits to create in my closet! Let's get creative!
Em and I did some coloring on the sidewalk out front :) Fun, Fun
I love these little feet
These are contemplating feet :) 
In other updates......

1. Emerson is no longer a baby :( bye, bye binky...binky bye, bye. And he really is a big boy because I was ready for a serious battle....and none?! He's so good.
That's a Sesame Street reference by the way, why are their little tunes so catchy? Sometimes I can't get them out of my head!

2. My Pawpaw is at home and recovering from surgery :)

3. My Dad and I are making some serious progress on this soon!

4. I went to my first 31 party this week! So fun :) I trying to be organized and bags so what a combination!

5. I have almost finished school I have one more 8 week class, but it's only one night a week after next I think I can, I think I can!

Happy Friday y'all!!!

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Father's Day 2012

Father's day was great! The weather started out kind of hairy, but ended up being beautiful!
We planned on the beach, detoured to WRV, Hotline, and lunch before settling for Seashore State Park. The calm water was perfect for the boys :)

"Gaggy" and Em

Splashing with my "shobel"
Playing with my buddy Malcolm

Monday, June 18, 2012

VIP night!

What a great time for the zoo....sun setting, temps dropping

This highlight of Em's trip this week was, this up close and personal encounter with a peacock and we found a llama! That's the first time we spotted the llama, Emerson was in love, so we stopped in the gift shop and snagged a small llama for my main man. We might make it a little tradition if I can figure out a good spot for them at home?
We rounded our trip out with a  hot dog and popcorn picnic ($2 dollars total!!) watching the train ride bye :) Thanks for the date nite Em!
Love, Mamas

Tuesday, June 12, 2012


So Greg had a wild idea to go and get tattoos! Sounded good to me, I've been wanting to get a letter "e" stamp for a while and had already talked to someone back home about it, I guess I was just waiting for the time to actually get there? Anyway, we seized the day ;) It turned out to be a family affair, brothers, sisters, husbands, wives, grandparents, children. We had a really good time, and everyone at the shop was really nice. Thanks Steve-o you did a great job! What a way to mark a graduation?

Av and Em patiently waiting for our tattoo adventure to be over
Daddy and Mommy, what a team!
"carpe diem"
This is my Emerson tattoo, hand stamped and under my wing :)

Tori also got one, but I don't have a picture at the moment, but she's "Fearless"

Friday, June 8, 2012

Hooks/Rumble Kings

Hooks is where my sister-in-law Victoria works, she just graduated from FlowerMound High School in Texas, so we made the journey to celebrate with her. Friday night we ended up eating at Hooks, Tori was our waitress and watched Greg Sr. play. It was a good night of food, dancing and beautiful weather! (Sorry for the poorly light photos, but atleast we have some)

Dancing with Mimi and watching Papa play. He's a drummer/singer in a band called Rumble Kings.
Still dancing...