Thursday, May 31, 2012

Memorial Day 2012

Thank you to all our service members who so willing give of their time all year round so I can enjoy so many days with my family. I have a special appreciation for military families, I wish I could sum it up in words, but the only way I can seem to is "THANK YOU!"

Today we enjoyed the day at Sandbridge
I enjoy writing in the sand :)
Em and his buddy Malcolm had a good time being pulled around on a mini 4 wheeler

They spent alot of time playing in this bucket of water and loved it! We kept catching them giggling with each cute!
Here is one tired little boy, and a tired little bear, bear too!

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Beach on Saturday

After our adventure at the warehouse early Saturday A.M. and Em's marathon nap.....we decided to go down to the oceanfront and enjoy some seafood for dinner :) We ended up at Waterman's, that's our usual go to, I was a little disappointed this time? Something was just off maybe it's because the party crowd was heading in? Just didn't seem family friendly like it used to? or it could have just been that my fries weren't that good! :) 

Look at those feet in the sand :)
Emerson had a good time hiding his feet or our feet and saying the newest thing
 "Where it go?.......hummmm?.....I find it!" 

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Skippy Peanut Butter

Saturday morning myself, Greg, Em, my Mom and Dad, and Aunt Laurie headed to downtown P-town for a little adventure..........

Consider yourself warned
Are you wondering what any of this has to do with Skippy?
Well....nothing really?! HAHA This picture explains the reason why we ended up in this frightening old Skippy peanut butter plant......reclaimed lumbar!!!!!! I got this guy's number from a nick nack store after spending about 6 months looking for reclaimed lumbar on Craigslist, the side of the road, name it.......I looked! I don't know why this was more terrifying than a just felt like something out of a horror movie!!! 
I could only get pictures when we were near a light and I didn't even make it....upstairs. Well......because of some stomach issues but that's besides the point :) 
We got our wood and got out! Then we had a little break so Em could pick up some rocks in the parking lot,  always a good time :)
Greg is CLEARLY thrilled to have spent 30 minutes of his life looking through an junky, abandoned peanut butter factory for some dirty old wood ;) Thank you, I really appreciate it!
Hopefully, he'll be more excited once we have beautiful, original sofa table ;)
My Dad on the other hand, had a GREAT time, so if I ever need to go back, I'll think I'll bring Dad along and leave Emerson with Greg :)

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Our Garden-1 month follow-up

We have a few tiny little tomatoes :)
And the basil is doing great, we seeded parsley and cilantro and it's coming up! 

Thanks goodness for all the rain, my crazy schedule right now has given me only a few chances to look out back and see what's going on. Mother Nature has done a good job of taking care of the garden so far, we haven't had to do much. I think I'll put our pole beans in this weekend :)

I talked to a very nice man yesterday and have finally found some reclaimed lumbar!!!! So, we can finish a table we started in the fall? Hopefully Greg's as excited as I am to work on our "honey-do" list this weekend :) If things get really crazy we might get some decks posts in to set-up good while we are gone next week? That's getting really crazy though.........we'll see!?

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Children's Museum

We took out first trip to the Children's Museum in Portsmouth, VA
where you are welcomed by a kissing frog, AWWWW 
Em's taking a drive thru the ATM at TowneBank :) Needed some lunch money, I guess? 

He was into the trains!
And the chickens and eggs
And LEMONS!!!???
All of the grocery shopping was a workout so Emerson took MayMay for a ride on a bus, to get some lunch......Chicken to be exact :)
They had a "make it, take it" room so, we did!

Add to my never-ending "to do list"......Must make a chalkboard wall at home! I think I have the perfect spot!
They had the coolest stage with lights and sounds and dress-up clothes! Emerson wasn't into dressing up? Oh well!

This was so fun! I think we could have done this for hours. 
Emerson was pushing his little hands into this GIANT PinPression and saying "high five"

I'll spare you the images of Momma and MayMay's impressions but they were good for a few laughs! 

Overall, we had a great time. Emerson will LOVE it when he's a little older. He's still in that stage where he doesn't really know how to pretend? I think he was a little overwhelmed?

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Air Show in Pungo

Snacking on "brapes" and "fishez" aka "Grapes and Goldfish"
Look at these cute little guys and the cute little car! It's called a Messerschmitt? That's Malcolm on the left, Emerson's buddy. Let me fill you in on a secret....these two were sitting the back seat on the way home bitting their toes!!! Ewwwww! Really gross but cute, especially to hear the two of them giggling about it.

Hi Baby!

Monday, May 21, 2012

Make it Monday

It's Make it Monday once again and I wanted to give you a glimpse of what Emerson and I threw together this weekend! We combined the 2 versions above and came up with this......
Just some PVC and some fittings that I picked up at Lowe's for about 20$
We made the frame around 2 Hefty plastic containers that have locking lids since we are going to play with this outside I figured this was important to keep funky things out?
One has water in it right know and I think I will put sands or beans in the other side? We can change it up when we feel  like it and.......Em's review?
He LOVES it! 

Wednesday, May 16, 2012


I let Em have at it with a small cup of cream cheese left over from our lunch of auntie anne's pretzels :)
I was folding some laundry yesterday while Em's snacking on "fishese" and he wanted to share with "bear, bear" Let's say it together now....AAAAAAWWE.

Sidenote: Emerson says "awe" when he's does something sweet and says "I funny" when we laugh at him doing silly things :) It's hilarious. 

Sunday, May 13, 2012


I'm not very insightful, it's sad but it's true. I don't say profound things, if you know me and you heard me say something profound, you would probably be laughing :) I'm just goofy and never know the right thing to say, or the right time to say it....? I think "awkward" is the word I'm looking for? But we're all different right? That's what makes this world such an exciting place!

Obviously, I think about others and love helping others, it's my job, at home and at work! But I never really pondered about life or asked many whys? I have always been and still am very content to just go with the flow and live life. Becoming a mother has shown me "why" and what my role is in this life. Reveling more about myself than I could image. It's taught me to be patient, understanding, honest and most of all shown me what LOVE is.

I heard this in a sermon a few months ago and it really stuck with me....."the ultimate miracle of love is this - that love is given to us, to give to one another." People recognize the love of Jesus :) I have been given a great responsibility to share this LOVE with Emerson! I consider him MY angel. He will look to me to be a spiritual leader. I want to be that example for him, it's the least I can do, as you can see, he's done sooo much for me.

And so have these lovely ladies!!!
Everything I know about being a Mom, I've learned from these beautiful women.
left to right: me, Momma, Gammie and Laurie
that lovely lady in the my Mother aka Momma, MayMay, Kathy. And I'm so proud to say she's mine! She's the perfect example of what I have always needed in a MOM.  I Love You! 

Seeing life through the eyes of my child has been the single most rewarding thing in my life. I never had big dreams of being a Mom. It's not something I've thought and dreamed about since my childhood. But, I will say I think and dream about it everyday now :) 

to Emerson..."say cheese"..... and Emerson's response......what's on my hands?

kissing the camera

Wednesday, May 9, 2012


Walking to the park and looking for sticks
Break time! He had his little feet kicked up but I couldn't get to the camera fast enough :)
"Em-e-son drivin"
I have a thing for shadows and shoes! These are Em's new sandals finally found some he will wear  :)

Happy Wednesday from our Tuesday!