Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Children's Museum

We took out first trip to the Children's Museum in Portsmouth, VA
where you are welcomed by a kissing frog, AWWWW 
Em's taking a drive thru the ATM at TowneBank :) Needed some lunch money, I guess? 

He was into the trains!
And the chickens and eggs
And LEMONS!!!???
All of the grocery shopping was a workout so Emerson took MayMay for a ride on a bus, to get some lunch......Chicken to be exact :)
They had a "make it, take it" room so, we did!

Add to my never-ending "to do list"......Must make a chalkboard wall at home! I think I have the perfect spot!
They had the coolest stage with lights and sounds and dress-up clothes! Emerson wasn't into dressing up? Oh well!

This was so fun! I think we could have done this for hours. 
Emerson was pushing his little hands into this GIANT PinPression and saying "high five"

I'll spare you the images of Momma and MayMay's impressions but they were good for a few laughs! 

Overall, we had a great time. Emerson will LOVE it when he's a little older. He's still in that stage where he doesn't really know how to pretend? I think he was a little overwhelmed?

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