Sunday, May 13, 2012


I'm not very insightful, it's sad but it's true. I don't say profound things, if you know me and you heard me say something profound, you would probably be laughing :) I'm just goofy and never know the right thing to say, or the right time to say it....? I think "awkward" is the word I'm looking for? But we're all different right? That's what makes this world such an exciting place!

Obviously, I think about others and love helping others, it's my job, at home and at work! But I never really pondered about life or asked many whys? I have always been and still am very content to just go with the flow and live life. Becoming a mother has shown me "why" and what my role is in this life. Reveling more about myself than I could image. It's taught me to be patient, understanding, honest and most of all shown me what LOVE is.

I heard this in a sermon a few months ago and it really stuck with me....."the ultimate miracle of love is this - that love is given to us, to give to one another." People recognize the love of Jesus :) I have been given a great responsibility to share this LOVE with Emerson! I consider him MY angel. He will look to me to be a spiritual leader. I want to be that example for him, it's the least I can do, as you can see, he's done sooo much for me.

And so have these lovely ladies!!!
Everything I know about being a Mom, I've learned from these beautiful women.
left to right: me, Momma, Gammie and Laurie
that lovely lady in the my Mother aka Momma, MayMay, Kathy. And I'm so proud to say she's mine! She's the perfect example of what I have always needed in a MOM.  I Love You! 

Seeing life through the eyes of my child has been the single most rewarding thing in my life. I never had big dreams of being a Mom. It's not something I've thought and dreamed about since my childhood. But, I will say I think and dream about it everyday now :) 

to Emerson..."say cheese"..... and Emerson's response......what's on my hands?

kissing the camera

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