Thursday, January 19, 2012

lake family christmas

We tend to have a little too much fun when my brother and his beautiful family get a chance to come home.....

but who doesn't love toooo much fun?

Their schedules allowed them to come home for a few days between Christmas and New Year's this year.....well last year technically :) Worked out great for us since we were in Texas for Christmas and home just in time for these sweet faces :)

 The three to the left are my nieces and nephew........and the one to the far right, that's my main man Emerson

This is her bashful face........she does it all the cute!

Decorating CUPCAKES!!!! This was very exciting!

Little time playing outside for the "mobile ones"

Little time reading for everyone

.......and a gift opening extravaganza! 

We had a wonderful time with you guys visiting, hopefully we'll be coming your way soon! 

If you want to check out more on this lovely family, Bethany (my sis-in-law) has a blog, Confessions of a Chosen One

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