Tuesday, January 24, 2012

radiator redo

So we have these realllllly bad radiators, easy thing would be to pull them all out and sell them! But they work and actually provide us with heat (well, they would if it was cold, it's January and 60 degrees here!! Crazytown!!!) 
So.....they stay! but I couldn't get them clean to save my life (they've been around probably almost 100 years, because that's how long our home has been around) so they've seen alot, but these bad boys are UGLY!

What do you do when you can't get something clean or make it pretty? 

Cover it up!!!!

So, that's what I did...........

Fashioned some slipcovers for our radiators.

I used canvas drop cloths, you can find at the hardware store in the painting section 
This was quite a process and honestly I couldn't even explain what I really did, just made it up as I went along?


This is the one I made for Emerson's  room, much better  :)

The are by no means perfect, but it works and we can still have heat! (if we need it?)

my little helper

Our whole has a been sick for a few weeks, not all at once, we seem to be taking turns. Anyway, our home was feeling a little neglected, and so was my to-do (before the weather gets warm) list. On that to-do list is get Em's room right? I don't know what the problem was exactly, it just wasn't right, so we spent a little time in there working out the kinks. 

Anyway, more pics and info on that soon. 

The point of this post is to show you my little helper!

Emerson is really good at laundry, he's the basket supervisor, inspects everything that goes in :)

Thanks for all your help, Buddy!

Monday, January 23, 2012

he can do it!

My little boy is growing up and fast! I can't even hardly believe how much he knows and how independent he is! It's amazing, he's amazing :)

Whenever possible I've been trying to let him feed himself, he has been for along time, easy stuff like fruit and toast and waffles and that sort of thing, but he really needs practice with a fork and spoon :)
So anyway the past few weeks when he's had oatmeal or yogurt, I've just let him have at it and he's doing great! Most of the time he needed a bath after, but he had fun and is practicing something he's going to have to master one day, I don't know may people who can get away eating, with ONLY their hands after 5, or so?

He did any especially good job tonight with his mac and cheese, and I'm trying really hard to get in there with the camera to make sure I get pictures of all this good stuff!!!!

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Crafty weekend :)

I followed this heart garland tutorial I repinned on Pinterest :) (Warning! It's definitely not in English, but a picture is worth a thousand words, right? and sometimes easier for to follow) Anyway super easy little project and super cheap, you can probably make it work with things you have at home already! The only thing I needed to spring for was a few sheets of .29 cent felt!

Thursday, January 19, 2012

lake family christmas

We tend to have a little too much fun when my brother and his beautiful family get a chance to come home.....

but who doesn't love toooo much fun?

Their schedules allowed them to come home for a few days between Christmas and New Year's this year.....well last year technically :) Worked out great for us since we were in Texas for Christmas and home just in time for these sweet faces :)

 The three to the left are my nieces and nephew........and the one to the far right, that's my main man Emerson

This is her bashful face........she does it all the time....so cute!

Decorating CUPCAKES!!!! This was very exciting!

Little time playing outside for the "mobile ones"

Little time reading for everyone

.......and a gift opening extravaganza! 

We had a wonderful time with you guys visiting, hopefully we'll be coming your way soon! 

If you want to check out more on this lovely family, Bethany (my sis-in-law) has a blog, Confessions of a Chosen One

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

back-tracking....our Christmas in Texas

We were able to spend our very 1st Christmas in Texas this year! It was a surprise visit for most their household, Mimi was the only one who knew we were coming ;)

Em had some play time with the boys......look at the face, the kid means business.........ha!

Some snuggle time with the girls :) 
Mimi, Emerson and Aunt Iggy

Merry Christmas!!!! actually Christmas ;)


 Em, Daddy and Rudy

 Granddaddy, wait is he still asleep?

 Uncle Av and Em

Em and Momma

We had a great time in Texas, we'll be back soon.......for a graduation! 

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

back-tracking a bit...VA Christmas activities

For memories sake, I need back-track a bit and document our Christmas celebrations (plural) this year

 Grand Illumination in Williamsburg, VA (needs to be family tradition)

 Picture with Santa :) Mr. Personality LOVED Santa, seriously he sat there and talked (well, mumbled) to him for atleast 5 minutes :)

 early-Christmas at our house filled with footfalls, p-p-puppy, and a new mini broom!

........off to Nina's house for more early-Christmas dinner and festivities

We were required to do a early-Christmas at home in VA because we went to Texas this year for Christmas, more on that tomorrow!

Saturday, January 7, 2012

First ear infection

This is to document Em's very first ear infection he made it almost 17 months, which is awesome, according to his pediatrician :)

It was pretty traumatic for him because they had to flush his ears first to even be able to see his eardrum. 

No one enjoyed it, but it had to be done?