Wednesday, October 12, 2011

homemade wine grandparents have a grapevine in their backyard, and have more grapes than they know what to do with. My Gammie and I decided to try our hand at some homemade wine. I found a recipe online, and we got to pickin'.

With our grapes picked and washed, I crushed them seed, hull and all in a food processor.......while Greg mixed the sugar, water and yeast

Here's the grape mash, sugar water and yeast mixture

We followed the recipe and added a small potato sliced up?  

And some steel cut oatmeal to top it off

We scooped the mixture into 2-3 gallon pickle jars, we borrowed from my Gammie

2 weeks in this is what we have, I have no idea if this is how it's supposed to look? We'll see 2 weeks left :)

Amazing note: it doesn't even smell like the tupperware that got lost in the back of the fridge that's full of who knows what from who knows when........

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