Sunday, September 25, 2011

our new fall wreath

This is the wreath my best friend and I made several months ago. It's yarn wrapped around a straw wreath with felt flowers, hung with matching ribbon.....

well after several months and cooler weather creeping up on us :) I thought maybe we needed an update for fall! So my Mom and I headed to Michael's and decided on a color scheme, the pictures don't really show it all that well so I'll tell you what the colors are. 

It was really, really easy!!! A little time consuming but easy! 
1. I just removed our old flowers
2. Rewrapped the wreath with leftover yarn (just to freshen it up)
3. Cut out our diamonds hot glued them on
4. Then wrapped our berry yarn around in a criss-cross pattern
 and wallllahhhh! there you have it!!!!

(taupe yarn, mustard and sage felt diamonds and berry yarn on top) 

Best part was cheap!!!!! With a Michael's coupon it this was about a 4$ update. I didn't even need all of the felt I bought, so if I returned it, it would be even cheaper!!!!

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