Friday, October 14, 2011

fall pickin'

I'm pretty go with the flow when it comes to vacationing with another family, I pretty much enjoy doing everything or atleast can enjoying watching others enjoy :) I made it known before we even got there this is the one thing that I wanted to make sure we did this week. Apple pickin'!!!!!!
It's something I've never done before and would love to do again, and you know what I think everyone enjoyed it just as much as I did! I hope anyway :)

We also headed to a real pumpkin patch, I can't remember if I've ever done this either? 

That means one of three things:

1. I probably haven't been
2. I have a horrible memory (quite possible)
3. or I was too little to remember

Either way, we have a new little family member and I want him to experience everything, is that normal?

Anyway, we headed out to the patch with our little pumpkin in tow, in search of his own pumpkin

Found it!

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