Wednesday, March 21, 2012


Cha-cha-cha-change will do you good!
Let's hope so!

So, I have this running list of things to do inside the house that I was going to work on, before the lovely spring weather arrived....well it hasn't even gotten cold here except for a few days. So I've been working on in between being sick, trips to the zoo, attempting to help my parents move (hard to do with the wee one), hanging out with friends and family and getting ready to start school.

Here's my list.........

1. make Emerson a beanbag chair-done
2. go to Ikea for the first time ever in my 27 years of life!!!!-done and awesome!
3. Organize toys for living room-done, thank you ikea
4. Organize my office/craft area-coming along
5. Go through our clothes and donate-done
6. Redo Em's closet-done
7. lighting for dining area-got it, just needs to be hung
8. clean out and organize spare bedroom/office-done
9. finish dresser-almost
10. details in our room and spare bedroom
11. laundry room-looking for wall cabinets to paint for storage
12. make a raised bed for a garden
13. redo deck

My husband shutters at the mention of the "list" because he knows once these things are done, I'll just think of more :) Although I think he felt great after de-cluttering the office this weekend!
I'll try and remember to take some pictures of all the finished things. I find our house is hard to photograph but it takes practice, right?

Here's the beanbag chair I made by hand for Emerson and guess what? It hasn't fallen apart yet! I'm so impressed with myself! When I set out to learn to sew I thought it would be an epic fail......who knew?

Here's the link if you want to check it out!
(it's a washable slipcover, ideal for little ones)

Please pardon our backyard it's in major need of an overhaul, but it's great for exploring :/

Em has a good ol' time walking around with his wagon, picking up sticks and rocks, blowing bubbles and posing for the camera :)

Greg has a really nice camera, I say it's his because he's had it since before we were married, anyway I really want to know all the ins and outs I can take awesome pictures of this little guy!

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