Tuesday, August 28, 2012

summer bucket list-update

Here's a peek at the Bell's summer bucket list......

1. have a picnic at Mount Trashmore
2. take Emerson to Doumar's
3. go to a Tide's game
4. go for a bike ride @ Seashore State Park
5. spend 1 night somewhere other than our home
6. date night for Momma and Daddy
7. find a petting zoo
8. watch the sunset at the beach
9. ride the TIDE
10. pay for stranger at a drive-thru
11. have an awesome 2nd Birthday Party for my main man
12. go camping in the backyard

Sunset at Lynnhaven Pier 

Proof of a super awesome 2nd birthday party!!!!

Ice cream for lunch....I'm gonna count it :)

We have a little catching up to do....but I'm hoping to knock 2 things off of the list tomorrow :)

Just a few pics I love from the past week....my little farfalla

Em and his Mommy
or Mommy and her baby

Piggies in the sand :)

Monday, August 27, 2012

"eat muffin like Malcolm"

Em and I went to Starbucks one morning a few weeks ago.....and he apparently associates muffins to his buddy malcolm......because every time he sees one
"I eat muffin like Malcolm"

so funny!!

Sunday, August 26, 2012

Em's 2nd Birthday!!

We'll things have been a little....what's the word I'm looking for....out of whack??
But that doesn't stop birthdays from happening :) Thank goodness!!!
My little boy is 2!!! Where has the time gone???
He's growing up to be such an amazing little guy....he's sweet and caring and funny and silly and he knows what he wants!!

Em's checking on Baby Bobby....that's our new fish :)

tools were the gift of choice this year....he loves all of them :)

Em's party was pirate themed...here's a little pirate island cake

1st birthdays are fun, but 2nd birthdays are even better! Emerson knew what was going on this time and he had a blast!! Here he is blowing out the candle...he actually did it!

Hey Em! How old are you??