Friday, July 1, 2011

awww shucks!

my sweet mama, sweet little boy and my sweet self! decided to partake in a little country adventure

"doing corn"
silver king corn that is!

i recently learned that you can "do" lots of things, one of my co-workers is a country girl and has being talking about "doing" potatoes, corn, onions, peas and any other veggie you can imagine. being a city girl to the core, but interested in expanding my horizons, i inquired...."what do you mean, doing corn...?" she replies "oh, you know canning or freezing, puttin' it up!"

so puttin' it up, is what we did

we shucked, cleaned, blanched, bagged and "put up" in the words of my country friends about 60 ears of corn.

we even rescued this little caterpillar.

Thanks for all the down home fun mama! Job well done :)

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