Saturday, November 19, 2011

Grand illumination parade in Norfolk

We are out getting ready to enjoy the annual Grand Illumination Parade in Norfolk :)

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Is it November yet?

I think it might be here to stay! Most of the leaves fell off of our maple tree last night when the temperature dropped about 30 degrees!!!! Now it feels like November, right in time to celebrate Thanksgiving :)

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Halloween 2011!

Since I still get to pick out Em's halloween costume because he's too little to care....HE went as a duck :)

Pretty much everyone who doesn't know him (and know he's a boy) thought he was a girl! WHAT!!! I know! I don't see it either but anyway here HE is....... 

 We had a little photo/playtime in the backyard this afternoon, because I was at work on Monday and didn't get to take him out Trick-or-Treating, and the Trunk-or-Treat we went to at my parent's church on Sunday, it was too dark by the time we got there to get any blog worthy/printable pictures, so we just played dress up in the backyard like all the other BOYs do!!!???

 Em really likes walking around and picking things up, today he wanted to share with me :)

The duck's not feeling too great today and he's up from his nap.....see ya!