Saturday, June 18, 2011

I'm still trying.....

so i'm not good at blogging. there i said it!....mostly because i spend alot of time on the computer at work and the last thing i want to do when i'm not at work is take precious time away from my little boy to spend on the computer. reasonable. right?

i'm also not an english major and don't really feel like i can get a point across typing. i'm more of a face to face girl. understandable. right?

well, this blog isn't going to be paying our bills, so it doesn't have to be perfect! and emerson it's going to start growing up any slower! so in a serious attempt to document all of our adventures i'm making a serious effort to do this! for us!

i'm trying to learn how to make my background a banners more appealing, slow process ;) but i'll get it!

so here's a little eye candy!