Monday, July 19, 2010

baby belly

Are you wondering about the ?....Well, like crazy people we decided we didn't want to know the sex of our baby until it's birthday! I can't wait to meet the little booger and buy him/her some gender specific clothing :)

Here's one more just for kicks :)

Friday, July 9, 2010

Getting ready for our new arrival!

Greg and I decided to go ahead and do some maternity photos, before our addition arrives and we can't take pictures of this pregnant belly anymore :) Here's one, we have another idea or two in the works so be sure to check back soon!

Monday, June 14, 2010

we're blogging!

believe it or not....i'm going to attempt to start and continue blogging. i'll be showing you some before and after's of our home, and our current work in progress the NURSERY!!!!!